From immersive ocean worlds for adidas in Paris, to AR Home Shopping Experiences with LG in Korea, to slime dripping from YOUR ceiling during a Nickelodeon broadcast - Eyecandylab is augmenting our experiences for the better, and doing it in a way that is both accessible and scalable with our current devices. We talk about the metaverse, why we can’t Shazam our way to the second screen and what’s next for television and sports.
From immersive ocean worlds for adidas in Paris, to AR Home Shopping Experiences with LG in Korea, to slime dripping from YOUR ceiling during a Nickelodeon broadcast - Eyecandylab is augmenting our experiences for the better, and doing it in a way that is both accessible and scalable with our current devices. We talk about the metaverse, why we can’t Shazam our way to the second screen and what’s next for television and sports.